
Poor Attendance policy

Alright where to start, my work(Pepperidge Farm) is putting me on phase 3 for BS Attendance points for something that wasn’t my fault. My job as a GBH(General Bakeshop Helper) is to learn and operate various machines and be able to give people breaks or replace someone if they call off. During an entire week a fellow employee called off without letting anybody know which forced me to change jobs everyday and work an hour less. During that time our new PM supervisor and AM shift failed to account for this and failed to call me in yet AM claimed to have done so. They also said during an evacuation drill I failed to show up on time and was given another point. Because of this I was put on Phase 3 which is the last phase before being fired. Note that I 100% take accountability for every past point…

Alright where to start, my work(Pepperidge Farm) is putting me on phase 3 for BS Attendance points for something that wasn’t my fault. My job as a GBH(General Bakeshop Helper) is to learn and operate various machines and be able to give people breaks or replace someone if they call off. During an entire week a fellow employee called off without letting anybody know which forced me to change jobs everyday and work an hour less. During that time our new PM supervisor and AM shift failed to account for this and failed to call me in yet AM claimed to have done so. They also said during an evacuation drill I failed to show up on time and was given another point.

Because of this I was put on Phase 3 which is the last phase before being fired. Note that I 100% take accountability for every past point besides these last 2. Apparently we have a policy where if you hit 3 phase 1s in a 12 month period it’s an automatic phase 3. (4 points for 1 phase). Over the span of this and last week I’ve been going at it with HR and they conceding to taking the one point away from the supposed failed call in but the new PM supervisor and HR refuse to take away the late-to-evacuation drill point.

At this point I don’t really know what to do. I almost cried because I truly don’t want to be fired and I want to leave Pepperidge farm on a good note. FUCK PUBLIC BUSINESSES AND FUCK PREDATORY ATTENDANCE POLICIES.

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