
Possibly sexist work environment

I work in a metal shop and in the deburring department, and we all (3 of us) got told that we all need to do one particular job because it’s hot(needed asap). So we have to basically use hand tools to make the edges not sharp, after that step we have to grain 4 edges. Now to grain, we have an air tool that is basically a big sanding wheel (not heavy) that we move along edges to make the metal look smoother and nicer. Is it sexist that my supervisor told the one other guy I work with that, one person should grain and not that person (unnamed female) because “she’s not good at it” , now she’s been here for a year and 3 months I’d say, and I’ve seen her grain maybe 3 times. There’s a lot of unfair I deal with at work, but this is…

I work in a metal shop and in the deburring department, and we all (3 of us) got told that we all need to do one particular job because it’s hot(needed asap). So we have to basically use hand tools to make the edges not sharp, after that step we have to grain 4 edges. Now to grain, we have an air tool that is basically a big sanding wheel (not heavy) that we move along edges to make the metal look smoother and nicer.

Is it sexist that my supervisor told the one other guy I work with that, one person should grain and not that person (unnamed female) because “she’s not good at it” , now she’s been here for a year and 3 months I’d say, and I’ve seen her grain maybe 3 times. There’s a lot of unfair I deal with at work, but this is really pissing me off. Cause she’s bad at graining she gets to do less work??

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