
Potential Termination For Jury Duty

I work in retail (assistant manager) and today, I was informed that they may terminate me. I had jury duty for 2 days back in February. I am salary so my boss just informed me to refuse payment because I get my usual pay from work. I brought in my jury duty summons that I received in the mail to be submitted to my HR department. I also took a picture of the form with the more sensitive information redacted so that I could have a copy of it just in case. Around a month ago, HR called my supervisor, and my supervisor said that they never got the summons. It magically vanished from the office at my store. I looked everywhere at home to see if I somehow obtained it, but it's nowhere to be found. I did leave it in the office so that the store manager could…

I work in retail (assistant manager) and today, I was informed that they may terminate me. I had jury duty for 2 days back in February. I am salary so my boss just informed me to refuse payment because I get my usual pay from work. I brought in my jury duty summons that I received in the mail to be submitted to my HR department. I also took a picture of the form with the more sensitive information redacted so that I could have a copy of it just in case. Around a month ago, HR called my supervisor, and my supervisor said that they never got the summons. It magically vanished from the office at my store. I looked everywhere at home to see if I somehow obtained it, but it's nowhere to be found. I did leave it in the office so that the store manager could upload it and send the original to HR. I explained this to the store manager (who has been trying to get rid of me) and reminded him that I DID bring it in and left it for him on the desk. They called today saying that “if we don't get the summons letter, it will be an administrative leave and he will be terminated”. I was able to get my redacted copy that I had on my phone, print it out, and gave it to the store manager. It has everything on it except the courthouse room #, juror #, and my full address (still shows my full name and my address except for the zip code & house number). My store manager just asked me “They want to know why it took so long, did you get paid by the county, and why did you feel that the juror number and whatnot needed to be redacted?” I told him “It took so long because the original form was in the office on the desk for you. I did not know that it vanished. I did not get paid because I was told not to. And the sensitive information was redacted because I was uploading that to my cloud for my personal documents but I don't trust the security of my Amazon cloud with highly confidential information.” He told me “Well, I'll see if it's sufficient enough for them. Have a good day off tomorrow.”

How worried should I be? Can they actually fire me because my store manager lost the original document? And learn from my mistake, MAKE COPIES OF EVERYTHING!

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