
Wage transparency

It remains a taboo in the U.S. to talk with your peers about wages (despite it being a federally-protected activity). Until we can get over this taboo, we'll continue seeing the same “overworked/underpaid” problems. Normalizing wage transparency is the first step. If a business's employees begin to openly discuss their wages, the boss/etc is pressured to pay people more fairly. This would promote healthy meritocracy etc (which is better for the business, too). I truly feel like this is the first step in the solution. Stand up and tell your peers your wage. Encourage them to do the same.

It remains a taboo in the U.S. to talk with your peers about wages (despite it being a federally-protected activity). Until we can get over this taboo, we'll continue seeing the same “overworked/underpaid” problems.

Normalizing wage transparency is the first step. If a business's employees begin to openly discuss their wages, the boss/etc is pressured to pay people more fairly. This would promote healthy meritocracy etc (which is better for the business, too).

I truly feel like this is the first step in the solution. Stand up and tell your peers your wage. Encourage them to do the same.

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