
Prefer to freelance

I am sick of working for others and making them rich while being thrown peanuts and having no control over what I do with my time. I lost my last job and while this would be an excellent time to get a freelance career off the ground, my husband is forcing me to spend all day 7 days a week putting out resumes. He looks up ads on job sites and tells me to apply. While he doesn't work and fantasizes of turning his hobby into a fortune yet makes no practical moves toward that end. I'm afraid that 90% of the ads are for phantom jobs.

I am sick of working for others and making them rich while being thrown peanuts and having no control over what I do with my time. I lost my last job and while this would be an excellent time to get a freelance career off the ground, my husband is forcing me to spend all day 7 days a week putting out resumes. He looks up ads on job sites and tells me to apply. While he doesn't work and fantasizes of turning his hobby into a fortune yet makes no practical moves toward that end. I'm afraid that 90% of the ads are for phantom jobs.

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