
Pregnant Workers…wild huh?

I lost my job back in June 30th, 2023 after turning in accommodation letter from my OB which states that I need breaks to check my sugar levels, and have water and snack breaks which is easy as I worked in a preschool that allowed teachers to eat with the kids whenever it was snack time or lunch time. After turning in the paperwork, I was fired, now there were other struggles leading up to it as I found out I was expecting in April 2023, I became severally sick to the point I almost lost it and had to be rushed to the ER more than 3 times while still showing up to work. At one point I was close to fainting at work from severe dehydration and I begged the director, let's call her M, to allow me to go to Urgent care at least and come back…

I lost my job back in June 30th, 2023 after turning in accommodation letter from my OB which states that I need breaks to check my sugar levels, and have water and snack breaks which is easy as I worked in a preschool that allowed teachers to eat with the kids whenever it was snack time or lunch time.

After turning in the paperwork, I was fired, now there were other struggles leading up to it as I found out I was expecting in April 2023, I became severally sick to the point I almost lost it and had to be rushed to the ER more than 3 times while still showing up to work. At one point I was close to fainting at work from severe dehydration and I begged the director, let's call her M, to allow me to go to Urgent care at least and come back because I just couldn't stand up, she denied me and told me to keep going on with my day along with asking me to stay longer because she's been leaving at 4:30 or earlier, even if we are understaffed and still have a lot on our plate without help from management even if we asked.

Long story short, from all the text messages, the lying and just constant gaslighting from management I stood my ground and got fired on June 30th, 2023, filing with the Florida Commission of Human Relations which took a while to come into effect due to proving pregnancy discrimination which is a tough one I get it.

This Friday, not only did I get a job offer in the county I'm in but also got the letter stating that I can move forward with a lawsuit towards my previous job. I have never been fired before in all my years of working and neither have I had to report a small business to the state on the employee abuse happening behind closed doors in a childcare setting which is ridiculous to say. I am nervous on both accounts, the job offer that I am now starting on Monday but I am 5 month pregnant and won't get many benefits out of it up until I give birth on Jan 2nd and that the state of Florida now wants to move forward on pursuing the lawsuit…my mind is all over the place.

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