
Probably ghosted by my dream job after multiple interviews

I recently started a job in my desired field with good pay, benefits, and work life balance after applying for new jobs since 2020. At this point I’ve applied to so many jobs and done so many interviews only to be ghosted afterwards, and I’m so relieved to be in a good spot, even if my company isn’t super well known or flashy. There is a company I’ve been applying to this whole time that it is a dream of mine to work at. It’s basically the top company in my field in my area. I’ve never heard back from them in all my years of applying, and at this point it’s been a bit of a running joke between my husband and I that I apply for every job they post to no avail. I had accepted that I’d probably never work there, until two weeks ago I get…

I recently started a job in my desired field with good pay, benefits, and work life balance after applying for new jobs since 2020.

At this point I’ve applied to so many jobs and done so many interviews only to be ghosted afterwards, and I’m so relieved to be in a good spot, even if my company isn’t super well known or flashy.

There is a company I’ve been applying to this whole time that it is a dream of mine to work at. It’s basically the top company in my field in my area. I’ve never heard back from them in all my years of applying, and at this point it’s been a bit of a running joke between my husband and I that I apply for every job they post to no avail.

I had accepted that I’d probably never work there, until two weeks ago I get a text from out of the blue from one of the execs responding to an application I’d submitted MONTHS ago and asking for an interview. I was absolutely gobsmacked.

The interview goes well, and I have another interview the next day with the big boss, which also goes well. They even have me talk to an employee who has worked in the position before and is now moving up the food chain so I can get more of a lay of the land.

After that however, they don’t say anything about next steps, when I may hear back, etc.

Now it’s been almost two weeks of radio silence. Just when I had allowed myself to think I might end up getting my dream job, it seems like I’m going to be ghosted yet again.

I don’t know what to do. Do I send an email asking for an update? Do I accept my ghosted fate? Do I still have a chance? I know that some companies take longer to hire, but I feel like if they were serious about me I would have heard back by now.

It’s been so exhausting to commit to these long interview processes when companies have no obligation to return that commitment, or even be courteous enough to say “hey thanks for the hours of your time, but you didn’t get the job.”

I was happy and content where I was, and to have my dream job dangled in front of me like this feels like a slap to the face.

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