
Problem with unpaid tickets

I work for a company in Spain. I here, we usually pay for gas, little equipment, cable, bolts etc. From our wallet, then we send the tickets to de company, which give us back our money, in theory every month. So we paid for whatever thing are needed and one month later we receive the money back. This method is ok-ish for me, but no problem. The trouble comes here. Some moths, we don't receive any money, and we don't hear any reason about that. They always says, next month you'll get everything. Which is not aways true. The worse time we waited for 5 month to reviece our money back and the cuantity was arround 5000€ for me at that point. I was new on the company, didn't want to make trouble and I receive all the amount. But, this year I was waiting for arround 4000 since December,…

I work for a company in Spain. I here, we usually pay for gas, little equipment, cable, bolts etc. From our wallet, then we send the tickets to de company, which give us back our money, in theory every month. So we paid for whatever thing are needed and one month later we receive the money back. This method is ok-ish for me, but no problem.

The trouble comes here. Some moths, we don't receive any money, and we don't hear any reason about that. They always says, next month you'll get everything. Which is not aways true. The worse time we waited for 5 month to reviece our money back and the cuantity was arround 5000€ for me at that point. I was new on the company, didn't want to make trouble and I receive all the amount. But, this year I was waiting for arround 4000 since December, and when the money came, it was only 2100. No explanation about the cuantity, no explanation about the delay.
I will probably have the money back anytime, but I am tired of not only lending my money, also having myself to check if all of it is back in case they made any mistake.

Now I have some questions if someone can help me:

-I want to charge for interest rate, because in the end this is lending money. Not only for this time, but for every month, even if they pay on time. In a way that is legal so they are forced to pay them or change the ticket system

-How can I force the company to give me my money? Should I talk with a lawyer, with an union?

Many thanks!
Hope this can also help somebody else

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