
Protecting Profits.

The company I work for just posted the biggest yearly profit in its near 25 year history. Best financial year it's ever had. Despite this, last month it put a ban on recruitment in all its stores. No hiring of “front line” staff, if you will, in an effort to “protect profits” during what they are expecting to be a “difficult” coming year. Any staff leave for whatever reason and they will not be replaced. And the numerous new branches we are opening in the country over the next few months have to move staff from existing stores to fill the new vacancies. No departures of staff to these new branches are being replaced at their old ones. Anyone who refuses to be “redeployed” will effectively be told they are being made redundant instead. The workload of remaining staff will obviously increase. Having said all that. Today the company, in…

The company I work for just posted the biggest yearly profit in its near 25 year history. Best financial year it's ever had. Despite this, last month it put a ban on recruitment in all its stores. No hiring of “front line” staff, if you will, in an effort to “protect profits” during what they are expecting to be a “difficult” coming year.

Any staff leave for whatever reason and they will not be replaced. And the numerous new branches we are opening in the country over the next few months have to move staff from existing stores to fill the new vacancies. No departures of staff to these new branches are being replaced at their old ones. Anyone who refuses to be “redeployed” will effectively be told they are being made redundant instead. The workload of remaining staff will obviously increase.

Having said all that. Today the company, in an email to all staff, proudly announced that they have just hired a brand new director to the board (no doubt on at the very least a 6 figure salary), in a brand new role that has just been created and have also promoted another board member to a higher position (again, no doubt on a higher salary).

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