
PSA: Hustler Culture is Tyrannical Hypocrisy

Friday night, upper management released a major workflow change that is very confusing and new. They did this by email with no chance to train off shift employees. One person pushed this work along to the wrong places rather than doing the work, who ironically has been here foreve; at one point, he worked for the team from where the work was coming. My company is horrible, even at management's admission, for communication of any type especially training. There is a notorious history of redundant coaches, especially for things that they did not train or explain well. If this guy didn't understand something from a team he used to work, management screwed up. I worked with the other team this weekend to help the misled employee and correct the workflow to the correct places, probably at the expense of my numbers. Now my dread builds, as I return to work…

Friday night, upper management released a major workflow change that is very confusing and new. They did this by email with no chance to train off shift employees.

One person pushed this work along to the wrong places rather than doing the work, who ironically has been here foreve; at one point, he worked for the team from where the work was coming.

My company is horrible, even at management's admission, for communication of any type especially training. There is a notorious history of redundant coaches, especially for things that they did not train or explain well. If this guy didn't understand something from a team he used to work, management screwed up.

I worked with the other team this weekend to help the misled employee and correct the workflow to the correct places, probably at the expense of my numbers.

Now my dread builds, as I return to work next week when I'm definitely going to get coached about “not your problem” for assisting, rather than taking the workflow that was already coming to me.

This shitshow coaches me for helping people on off hours with it issues, when they can't even staff an IT department to help people who can't work.

I'm told to stay in my lane, and I tell the people instead of working remotely they need to come to the office so they can diagnose their problems.

News Flash: They already at the office, assholes. You're just too lazy to get up and fix the problem. This is what you get for following hustle culture, every time.

PSA: I couldn't be specific with my details and timelines, because I'm sure if they see this they'll fire me, since social media isn't protected from employer under 1A. I call bullshit on that, btw.

If you want to help the quality of life for a working man then eliminate at-will employment, mandatory arbitration and call take it or leave a contracts exactly what it is (adhesion).

In my experience from both management and as a star employee, your employer will fuck you every time.

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