
PSA: Tax record transparency is more important than wages posted on job ads, and you should all be pushing your elected reps for it.

It’s great that California and other areas are requiring employers disclose pay info on job apps. But the biggest impediment to fair pay that WE can fix is tax record secrecy and privacy in the USA. It only benefits the rich and employers by allowing them to lie about their practices without any public interest scrutiny. Open tax records, which many progressive nations have (Norway, for example) promotes fairness and accountability – something capitalists hate. Please tell your elected officials taxes should be open record. It will really help the labor movement… end of rant.

It’s great that California and other areas are requiring employers disclose pay info on job apps. But the biggest impediment to fair pay that WE can fix is tax record secrecy and privacy in the USA. It only benefits the rich and employers by allowing them to lie about their practices without any public interest scrutiny. Open tax records, which many progressive nations have (Norway, for example) promotes fairness and accountability – something capitalists hate. Please tell your elected officials taxes should be open record. It will really help the labor movement… end of rant.

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