
PTO and Scheduling

My work has the dumb procedure of have 2 different modes to track your schedule vs. you actual time table, and as such there are multiple ways to request your PTO. The only way to see how much PTO you have is through the time table app and so I requested it through there since my work place also allows you to accrue negative PTO, and I don’t want that. Both ways are acceptable, and I have been told I can use either. Something I do both, sometimes I do just one. But they are always accepted and adhered to. I requested off a specific block of days weeks ago and had to extended it by one day and all was approved. I made note in our system as well to let the other staff know I will be out of office during that time and even verbally mentioned it…

My work has the dumb procedure of have 2 different modes to track your schedule vs. you actual time table, and as such there are multiple ways to request your PTO. The only way to see how much PTO you have is through the time table app and so I requested it through there since my work place also allows you to accrue negative PTO, and I don’t want that. Both ways are acceptable, and I have been told I can use either. Something I do both, sometimes I do just one. But they are always accepted and adhered to.

I requested off a specific block of days weeks ago and had to extended it by one day and all was approved. I made note in our system as well to let the other staff know I will be out of office during that time and even verbally mentioned it to the scheduling manager the day before the schedule for that week came out.

Low and behold I’m schedule for the day I had extended it to. As soon as I saw that I reached out to management as I will not even be in the state to be there. Again this was all approved before hand. Their response? Oh just put a message in the scheduling app to see if someone can cover you?

I’m sorry, but I gave you guys advanced notice. I don’t make the schedule, nor am I going to find that person to cover me. That was and is your job. You knew before hand I wouldn’t be here, and yet you think it’s my responsibility to find coverage that you should have found to begin with. No thanks. That’s all you.

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