
PTO Depletion

I know by HR policy and law, my company has done nothing wrong here. Its more of a vent and call for advice if anyone has been in this position. I have a big trip planned at the end of the year that I will have to take two weeks off for. My partner and I have planned this trip for months and it’s the only thing we have to look forward to right now. I was unexpectedly out on and off since January due to a serious illness. With doctors appointments and two short hospital stays, I depleted my sick time very quickly. The illness unfortunately came to a head recently and I was hospitalized for 6 days and am lucky to be here typing this right now. I am home now but very weak and still trying to get my strength back and will have a total time…

I know by HR policy and law, my company has done nothing wrong here. Its more of a vent and call for advice if anyone has been in this position. I have a big trip planned at the end of the year that I will have to take two weeks off for. My partner and I have planned this trip for months and it’s the only thing we have to look forward to right now. I was unexpectedly out on and off since January due to a serious illness. With doctors appointments and two short hospital stays, I depleted my sick time very quickly. The illness unfortunately came to a head recently and I was hospitalized for 6 days and am lucky to be here typing this right now. I am home now but very weak and still trying to get my strength back and will have a total time off work of 13 days before I am clear to return with quite a few restrictions. This window was too short to qualify for my short term disability payments and in order to be paid, I have to cash in my personal days and vacation time. My PTO pays out hourly, not by the day. And I am given a pretty large amount based on the standard for my industry. However, after all is said and done I will not have nearly enough hours to cover my trip. I am being told i will have to take “personal LOA” for that two week time. Not only will this be unpaid, but to keep my benefits active for myself, partner and two kids, I will still be charged the benefits out of those blank checks. Just so upsetting that a life threatening illness that threw our world for a loop sucked up a total of 3 weeks of PTO and I’m being told there is nothing that can be done.

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