For some of you who may have seen my posts already and those who havent, ive been at my first full time job at hospital monopoly chain for about 3 months now and I just can't take it anymore. I hate the hours and the corporate kissasry that goes on, but the worst thing is my manager just harasses me constantly and doesn't leave me alone. She wants to be the friend with everyone and I just don't roll like that, so she has constantly insulted my work under the guise of being friendly and constantly says a new girl is way better than me. She also things because she has my phone number, she has the right to text us off work hours for anything. She hasn't texted me too much but even one time is too many and a severe overreach of the work relationship there is here. She also constantly micromanages and I believe she has other workers listening in and spying on me and another worker who talks, and sometimes complain at a few work things to waste the time. But apparently she listens in on all that stuff, cause she mentions it when she is never in the room to hear it. I tried reporting her to HR but apparently my department is in a different company, so thats probably why she hasnt gotten fired yet. I just can't take it anymore.
Im trying to apply for a few jobs with a few lesser hours, cause I wanna take some online classes in tech stuff again. Because having a remote job and becoming a digitial nomad is ultimately what I want to do. I don't know what skills I should learn but I at least have some skills in graphic design so im gonna start from there again. I know I can utilize my time better than this shit. Im sorry this was so scattered im just stressed but at the same time, im just wanting my life to be better.