
Question about Partner’s Job

Not sure if this is the right place but I’ll give it a shot. So here it goes. My girlfriend works as a cosmetologist in Houston, Texas. Apparently many of these places have a rule that you cannot work for another salon with a certain mile radius of the place you currently work for. One of her coworkers, single mom, took another job as a stylist anyway and has just been found out (conflicting schedules led to some missed shifts). So the owner of the shop deduces that this is happening and wants concrete information. The owner and the manager corners my girlfriend in the break room, blocking the door out, and starts grilling her about her coworker’s activities. My girlfriend states that, yes, she did know because she’s had to cover numerous shifts for the coworker. The boss and manager apparently did this to everyone else as well the…

Not sure if this is the right place but I’ll give it a shot.
So here it goes. My girlfriend works as a cosmetologist in Houston, Texas. Apparently many of these places have a rule that you cannot work for another salon with a certain mile radius of the place you currently work for. One of her coworkers, single mom, took another job as a stylist anyway and has just been found out (conflicting schedules led to some missed shifts).
So the owner of the shop deduces that this is happening and wants concrete information. The owner and the manager corners my girlfriend in the break room, blocking the door out, and starts grilling her about her coworker’s activities. My girlfriend states that, yes, she did know because she’s had to cover numerous shifts for the coworker.
The boss and manager apparently did this to everyone else as well the rest of the day.
Apparently, the boss made a fake appointment at the salon to try and gotcha the other employee.
So, how would y’all proceed from here if you were my partner? I doubt any of this is illegal, just extremely shitty.
The rate is $9 an hour at the original location and the other location is $14 an hour + $20 for every service because I know it will come up lol.

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