
Question about unions

Hello all. I'm a long time lurker, first time poster on this subreddit and I just got a question about unions. FYI I'm not american, so I'm just trying to understand the american struggle with unions, nit trying to rub in the ol 'Europe has better laws', I'm just genuinely curious. I often see people (also on other subs) say, that unions are a great way to implement changes on a local level. However if you wanna change something on a national scale those would not be useful. So my question is: don't you have nation wide unions? Like in Germany they have a union for ALL pilots in the country, or ALL train drivers. I just took the german exemple bc Germany has the biggest population of Europe (still not as many people living there as in the US of course) but most other countries in Europe also have…

Hello all. I'm a long time lurker, first time poster on this subreddit and I just got a question about unions.
FYI I'm not american, so I'm just trying to understand the american struggle with unions, nit trying to rub in the ol 'Europe has better laws', I'm just genuinely curious.

I often see people (also on other subs) say, that unions are a great way to implement changes on a local level. However if you wanna change something on a national scale those would not be useful.

So my question is: don't you have nation wide unions? Like in Germany they have a union for ALL pilots in the country, or ALL train drivers. I just took the german exemple bc Germany has the biggest population of Europe (still not as many people living there as in the US of course) but most other countries in Europe also have unions that represent all workers in one job all over the country.

Also: do you think this would be doable in the US? After all it would give you more leverage in negotiations.

Sorry for any misspelling, English isn't my first language, cellphone etc.

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