
Question for how to be a fair employer

Hello, earlier this year as a part of me being fed up with my shitty employment situation I started my own business and quit my job. I have been making decent money and it is starting to look like by the end of the year I will need to employ someone other than myself to keep up with the work I am doing. This subreddit was part of the driving force for me to start realizing how I was never going to appreciated at my old job for everything I did there and to start doing things for me. As a part of realizing that I don’t want just suddenly be the asshole boss that takes advantage of employees to pump out a profit. So my question is how do I structure employment that will be fair. I’ve thought about looking for someone who is passionate about the type of…

Hello, earlier this year as a part of me being fed up with my shitty employment situation I started my own business and quit my job. I have been making decent money and it is starting to look like by the end of the year I will need to employ someone other than myself to keep up with the work I am doing.

This subreddit was part of the driving force for me to start realizing how I was never going to appreciated at my old job for everything I did there and to start doing things for me. As a part of realizing that I don’t want just suddenly be the asshole boss that takes advantage of employees to pump out a profit.

So my question is how do I structure employment that will be fair. I’ve thought about looking for someone who is passionate about the type of work I am doing and getting them in by trying to make them part owner as well but I don’t know how well that would scale.

How do y’all think I should go about doing it?

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