
questionable practices in a hospital

i recently got hired on to be a cook at a long term acute care hospital (basically a long term icu/recovery unit). there were a few red flags initially upon hiring that made me super hesitant about the job in the first place. I finally made it through my two day, 16 hour orientation, in which none of the information was relevant to my job and was all nursing staff oriented (oh well i got paid for it) and started yesterday. they were reviewing there attendance policy with me and it’s a point system. 1 point for clocking in early, 2 for clocking out more than 30 minutes early, 6 for missing a day. only 20 available points before termination. “no fault” so absolutely no absence can be excused for any reason. kinda fucked up but whatever. my manager at the end of yesterday was telling me how fucked up…

i recently got hired on to be a cook at a long term acute care hospital (basically a long term icu/recovery unit). there were a few red flags initially upon hiring that made me super hesitant about the job in the first place. I finally made it through my two day, 16 hour orientation, in which none of the information was relevant to my job and was all nursing staff oriented (oh well i got paid for it) and started yesterday. they were reviewing there attendance policy with me and it’s a point system. 1 point for clocking in early, 2 for clocking out more than 30 minutes early, 6 for missing a day. only 20 available points before termination. “no fault” so absolutely no absence can be excused for any reason. kinda fucked up but whatever. my manager at the end of yesterday was telling me how fucked up the point system is. that a pregnant girl in the kitchen recently passed out at work, they called a rapid response and medically sent her home, her doctor recommended she take the next day off and recover. 12 points. i am absolutely baffled that this is still allowed. needless to say i quit today. already have another job lined up that i start tuesday. but jesus christ i feel like dodged a massive bullet there.

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