
Quiet Quit and now Blacklisted

10 years ago, I worked at a Fortune 500 company. I worked there for 5 years. My first year, I made big changes, did the work of 50 people by myself, and made my manager look good. She got a huge bonus and told me to agree to take the minimum bonus since I was new there, so I did. The second year, I made even bigger changes, and did work that the entire team didn't even know was possible. I got the minimum bonus, again. For the next 3 years, I quiet quit, and got awards for the work I did, but I still got the minimum bonuses every year. What was the point, if no matter how hard I worked, I was still only getting the minimum bonus? After I left, my boss blacklisted me. I haven't worked since.

10 years ago, I worked at a Fortune 500 company. I worked there for 5 years. My first year, I made big changes, did the work of 50 people by myself, and made my manager look good. She got a huge bonus and told me to agree to take the minimum bonus since I was new there, so I did. The second year, I made even bigger changes, and did work that the entire team didn't even know was possible. I got the minimum bonus, again. For the next 3 years, I quiet quit, and got awards for the work I did, but I still got the minimum bonuses every year. What was the point, if no matter how hard I worked, I was still only getting the minimum bonus? After I left, my boss blacklisted me. I haven't worked since.

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