
Quit a shitty job to prioritize my family and mental health, and it paid off

This is the first “big” job I have had since graduating college. My manager who hired me was an absolute dream to work with. He always made sure our team was okay, never loaded on too much work, and made sure everyone had a great time. Unfortunately, he was forced to leave by our director who refused to promote him out of jealousy because he was so well liked and successful, so he left for a better job. Fast forward to our new manager and the team is in shambles. There is no communication, we are treated as drones, and he has no social awareness. Of course, he is best friends with our director and they make it a priority to make our work environment as miserable as possible. The final straw was when they announced a restructure where everyone in our office who was friends with our director got…

This is the first “big” job I have had since graduating college. My manager who hired me was an absolute dream to work with. He always made sure our team was okay, never loaded on too much work, and made sure everyone had a great time. Unfortunately, he was forced to leave by our director who refused to promote him out of jealousy because he was so well liked and successful, so he left for a better job.

Fast forward to our new manager and the team is in shambles. There is no communication, we are treated as drones, and he has no social awareness. Of course, he is best friends with our director and they make it a priority to make our work environment as miserable as possible.

The final straw was when they announced a restructure where everyone in our office who was friends with our director got raises and promotions, while the rest of us were left out to dry. When I had asked for a raise a month earlier, I was given a salary sheet of comparable jobs and told I was worth my wage.

On top of this, my grandmother was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and I had no PTO available to go visit her, and even if I did it would have been denied due to being in “peak season” for our office.

That same day the restructure was announced, I cleaned out my cubicle. The next morning I left my two week notice on my manager’s desk. In our office a four week notice is required, but I couldn’t tolerate to stay any longer and I only needed one more paycheck to make it through. I did not have another job lined up, I simply told my boss that my time there was done.

Fast forward to one week later, I land a job with better pay, better benefits, and they are letting me start later so I have time to visit my grandmother.

On someone’s last day in the office, it is normal to bring a goodbye treat and a card for the person who is leaving. My director and my manager avoided me like the plague, didn’t bring in anything, and didn’t even give me a card. I walked out with the last laugh because my favorite coworker also put in her resignation the same day I left, and now the team will struggle during “peak season”.

I am so proud of myself for prioritizing my family and mental health over my job, and getting the fuck out of there.

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