
Quit my job, regrets?

I quit my job about a month ago, realising now that it probably wasn't worth doing it when I did. Long story short, I was in management, didn't agree with the direction the company was going in the way they treat staff and what they expected me to do, was working 70+ hour weeks, 6/7 days and even my day off wasn't free from work. I had no free time and felt guilty everyday that I was being made to fuck over other people constantly, with the only benefits going to the company and directors. On the plus side a couple other people left the same time as me, crippling the business for a few days and costing those money grabbing bastards a not-insignificant amount of money. The state of the job market right now is shambles, I've been applying for jobs daily, I either here nothing back, get rejected…

I quit my job about a month ago, realising now that it probably wasn't worth doing it when I did.

Long story short, I was in management, didn't agree with the direction the company was going in the way they treat staff and what they expected me to do, was working 70+ hour weeks, 6/7 days and even my day off wasn't free from work. I had no free time and felt guilty everyday that I was being made to fuck over other people constantly, with the only benefits going to the company and directors.

On the plus side a couple other people left the same time as me, crippling the business for a few days and costing those money grabbing bastards a not-insignificant amount of money.

The state of the job market right now is shambles, I've been applying for jobs daily, I either here nothing back, get rejected or find out the job isn't what was described when interviewing, recruitment company, working for a different company than listed, pay less than advertised, stupid requirements and “assessment centres” or it turns out it's “self employed” agency work with no promise of hours or any worker protection.

I have some savings, have been selling stuff I don't need anymore but can't go on forever. Not eligible for any benefits due to partners income and no kids etc.

Not begging, just sharing that it's not always better on the other side.

Anyone got any ideas on how to cope with the transition period between jobs? Or anyone have any similar stories they'd like to share?

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