
“Quit your jobs before you hit your kids” How Work Enables Abuse

“Quit your jobs before you hit your kids” How Work Enables Abuse Your father is coming home from work soon Are you feeling that 5 o’clock anxiety? Your father picks a fight with you over chores Are you disassociating yet? Your father gets a beer and insults you You know what comes next It is not a coincidence that the yelling or the hitting begins after they get home from work They are SLAVES And they learned it at WORK Breaking each other down for showing any sign of emotion or abnormality. Betraying their peers over promotions, harassing every women in sight and locker room talking within hearing distance of their children, bullying their subordinates and their subordinates bullying their subordinates all the way down by the right of authority, seniority and hierarchy The same authority, seniority and hierarchy that your father imposed on your household and your mother enabled…

“Quit your jobs before you hit your kids” How Work Enables Abuse

Your father is coming home from work soon

Are you feeling that 5 o’clock anxiety?

Your father picks a fight with you over chores

Are you disassociating yet?

Your father gets a beer and insults you

You know what comes next

It is not a coincidence that the yelling or the hitting begins after they get home from work

They are SLAVES

And they learned it at WORK

Breaking each other down for showing any sign of emotion or abnormality. Betraying their peers over promotions, harassing every women in sight and locker room talking within hearing distance of their children, bullying their subordinates and their subordinates bullying their subordinates all the way down by the right of authority, seniority and hierarchy

The same authority, seniority and hierarchy that your father imposed on your household and your mother enabled with a faithful zeal, both in dedication to the cult of capitalism

At work, you are told who you are, what you do and where that places you on the hierarchy. You begin at the bottom and so long as there are those your senior, you will be at their mercy

So it is in the families of countless generations made to serve their seniors, in family and in fortune, until they become seniors themselves who uphold the system and keep it's burden on the young and misfortunate

The young learn their place in the system, work or die, the homeless might as well be heads on pikes for all the inspiration and terror they serve to create in the hearts and minds of the people

DEATH BY NEGLECT – Is a runaway slave’s modern punishment for the gaslighty kind of slavery that says if you do not contribute, you will be left on the street with the trash to be taken to your local people dump for the unproductive artists who were never given a brush, let alone a meal in tribute to the miracle of their existence.

What is this precious birth worth to you? This former child that once made a mother and father out of someone to young to know who they are but old enough to understand that if you do not participate you will die, a slow and painful death only depicted in the mythologies of hell, forsaken by God and man, cast onto the concrete to rot in the sun and freeze in the cold.

Each homeless person was a child, grown into an adult, only to die a Capitalist's Abortion

They will abuse you, one way or another. That is capitalism's shadow, the unseen cost in the souls it takes after an endless series of betrayals. The kind of betrayals you commit against your neighbor for the crime having needs.

Capitalism says “You are a mouth to feed, a burden on the system, on your parents, on society, on the rich and their billions.”

Capitalism says “You are a burden ON THEM, your original sin was birth, how dare you need for anything in a world where WE had to work for EVERYTHING.”

Capitalism says “Stand up child and WORK, we don't care if you are 14 years old or 4 years old, ZERO is old enough for Capitalism.”


We set a boundary with capitalism.

We told capitalism it could not have our children, and in exchange for their young lives we must give capitalism our adulthood, that was the deal we made with this devil

For they must condition you in school to work in the factories and not question authority, then begins your full time, non-negotiable obligation to your local land lord and their enablers the bank

Slaves with Options

That is all that we are

Serfs with Careers

Citizens chained by want, defined by lack and ever hungry, in desperate need of shelter, warmth, safety and love.

We have families because we love each other so much

And yet we beat our children because down onto a child's face is the only safe place to put our fists.

Our fathers and mothers dare not punch their bosses in the sober light of day, in front of the guards and their peers. They would be exiled and their children would starve.

So day after day, they take the abuse, work faster, more efficient, be on time, faster, ever faster, the faster you go the faster they expect and the second you slow down, they will notice and threaten to kill your children and you with neglect. The whip cracks

They are holding your children ransom, in exchange for your labor. Kidnapped at birth by a cult in service to a God that offers you your child's life if you would only serve it until you are physically unable to do it

Then you may be free from your debt, for being born with an able body that hungers and sleeps

If you don't work, your children will die, they won't kill them…directly, you will, with neglect.

You neglected to work. So it's your fault.

If you are a parent and you do not work, your child dies, so you better not have one, unless of course you want to have the only kind of sex allowed without the thing that makes it feel worse

Opps, now your committed to capitalism for life, shouldn't have had a baby while capitalism was around, now it is a 9-5 for the next 18 years. Then you can kick them out and force them to work to alleviate the burden on yourself.

Sounds great? Let's do it!

>”So get to work child, you are hungry? You have needs? You want a bed? You want toys? The needs never end! It's just more needs, all this thing is, is needs! Why doesn't it work, why doesn't it work like me, why won't it do chores yet, is it too young? No, it is too ungrateful for my work, it is lazy, when will it do chores, when will it work. It must do chores, it doesn't work yet, it must do chores for me! It must work for me, it must learn to work hard with chores, it must work harder, it must get good grades if it is to be good at work, I did not have good grades, but they will, they will work, I have invested so much into it, my whole life given in service of it, it must work, it must work, it must work for me, I am getting tired.” – The Young Parent

>”It does it's chores, and it doesn't work, it is lazy, it is ungrateful for my work, it must work, it must work for me, it must do chores and work for me or I will call it names like my boss called me, I will make my pain their pain, they will suffer like I suffered, that made me work, it will make them work, I will hit it like my father hit me, I will bully it like my peers bullied me, I will lie to it, I will threaten it's life, I will do anything in my power to make it work, it must work, it must work for me, I am so tired, it must work, I am so tired of being abused at work, I am so tired of being forced to work, it must work, it must work for my master, it must work, for my master is their master and my master demands work” – The Middle Aged Parent

>”IT IS WORKING… GIVE ME MORE… I WANT TO WORK LESS, I AM SO TIRED, you have no idea how tired I am, my soul was screaming for you to work, to replace me on the line and now you have been made one with my master. Finally Capitalism, you have a new servant, to slave my hours for me, bless them and me for I have done it, it works, finally, I can start to slow down, I am getting old, I want to retire, it is working, it works for me, I am praised for raising such a good worker, they are top of their field, I did that, I made it work, I made it work for me!” – The Old Parent

>”I will watch as capitalism takes from them what it took from me, they will understand the real world, they will understand my pain and they will thank me, they will thank me for making them work, for making them hurt, they will thank me and thank me and when I die, they will thank me again, for I gave my whole life for them, so they could work, for me, work, me, work, me, work me…work…………………………………………………………………” – The Dead Parent

It is over

I am 33 and done

The same age as Tomas Jefferson when he signed the declaration of independence

I declare myself independent from capitalism

The illusion is dispelled

I can see the truth

It is right there

The victim of Capitalism is Humanity

The abuse comes from above

From the old and the rich that control us

They hurt your parents and your parents hurt you

Are you going to hurt your child for capitalism today?

What about tomorrow?

Are you going to yell at your partner because it's easier than yelling at your boss?

Are you going to hit your child in a rage that can only be discharged safely away from the rich and those who protect them?

Are you going to resent the ones you love for making you work, poisoning your relationships, ending your marriages and traumatizing your children?







So after work, instead of yelling at your partner, call up your boss and yell at them

Tell them that the job isn't worth your child's black eye

Tell your HR department that you don't actually want to be drunk all the time and you would honestly rather not work anymore

Because no one ever wanted to work in the first place





No capitalism, you can’t have my body

No Body for you

No one wants to work for you

We wanted to eat

We wanted shelter

We wanted sex, children and love

We wanted to be entertained, we wanted to have fun, but we never, ever wanted to work


Lay flat

Quit your jobs before you hit your kids

Sit in your houses

Eat the food

Don't have children

Love yourself

Love your family

Dare them to stop you

Make them beg for your work

And tell them never again

Set boundaries with capitalism

Go no contact with capitalism

Whatever it takes to end the abuse of humanity, save the children and the planet

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