
Quitting and calling in

I have mental health problems and because of this i applied for a part time job( as opposed to full time) a little over a year ago. It’s a retail job and i’m a cashier. my job was good, i liked my hours and coworkers and did really well. until a few months ago. a bunch of my coworkers went back to school leaving me and one other person taking in everyone else’s shifts. i went from 3 four to six hour shifts to 5 eight hour shifts a week. i could not handle this mentally. i suffer from crippling anxiety and agoraphobia. i ended up calling in a ton and finally just hit the bullet and quit. i put in my two weeks a week ago and i have never quit a job before so i didn’t know i didn’t HAVE to give a notice. ive called in most…

I have mental health problems and because of this i applied for a part time job( as opposed to full time) a little over a year ago. It’s a retail job and i’m a cashier. my job was good, i liked my hours and coworkers and did really well. until a few months ago. a bunch of my coworkers went back to school leaving me and one other person taking in everyone else’s shifts.
i went from 3 four to six hour shifts to 5 eight hour shifts a week. i could not handle this mentally. i suffer from crippling anxiety and agoraphobia. i ended up calling in a ton and finally just hit the bullet and quit. i put in my two weeks a week ago and i have never quit a job before so i didn’t know i didn’t HAVE to give a notice.
ive called in most shifts ive been booked these two weeks and im just wracked with guilt over a minimum wage cashier job.

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