
Rage Applying Rant

I heard this term “rage applying” the other day for when you are angry and fed up with your workplace you just apply to a bunch of different places out of rage… Idk why we need a new term, I thought this was just something we've been doing. You don't like where you are you find something else… Well I got a raise recently and it's the most $ I've ever made, but that doesn't matter when my hours are cut in half… prices on the rise and my savings account is depleted. I'm looking for another job and apply to places daily, but last time it took me 4 months to find another part-time position. I'm just fed up. I feel like I can't quit my current job yet because I don't have anything lined up and if I don't have a paycheck for 2 weeks I will literally…

I heard this term “rage applying” the other day for when you are angry and fed up with your workplace you just apply to a bunch of different places out of rage… Idk why we need a new term, I thought this was just something we've been doing. You don't like where you are you find something else… Well I got a raise recently and it's the most $ I've ever made, but that doesn't matter when my hours are cut in half… prices on the rise and my savings account is depleted.

I'm looking for another job and apply to places daily, but last time it took me 4 months to find another part-time position. I'm just fed up. I feel like I can't quit my current job yet because I don't have anything lined up and if I don't have a paycheck for 2 weeks I will literally not be able to pay for rent… I'm already behind on my bills and I'm doing instacart on the side/Uber to make up for my bills and get any extra savings.

I take every shift that is offered to me(Starbucks) and I have open availability. I love my coworkers and my job isn't too hard, but it's wearing me down and I have nothing to show for it. I cannot stay in this position much longer because 2 part time jobs doesn't cut it for me. (that's what I've been doing for 1+year with the addition of side hustles like delivery driving, pet care, freelance work etc.) I guess the change is scary, but being homeless and hungry is scarier. I'm sorry if there is anyone struggling in the same way. I don't know what else to do besides keep my head down and work and apply to more jobs. I'm so depressed this way.

I'm using Linkedin, google, indeed, local ads and going around town asking if there are positions open. Here's to the process taking (hopefully) way less than 4months this time :,)

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