
Raise just got gutted…

I got a hefty increase to my commission structure in November due to a promotion. Over the moon excited, I never imagined I could make money like that. I asked the boss 5 separate times if he was sure and every time it was “yea you deserve it” “if I’m making money I want you to also” Today i get called into the office, told how great I’m doing (literally carrying the office), then told due to the office not being profitable (happens every 1st quarter) he has to redo my commission. Im thinking ok, i get it a small pay cut to keep things going…. Boy was I wrong. Cut by 35k… I cant even quit because Im still making more after the pay cut than I could anywhere else. Feeling really let down and defeated, I had a taste of being set for it to be ripped away.

I got a hefty increase to my commission structure in November due to a promotion. Over the moon excited, I never imagined I could make money like that. I asked the boss 5 separate times if he was sure and every time it was “yea you deserve it” “if I’m making money I want you to also”

Today i get called into the office, told how great I’m doing (literally carrying the office), then told due to the office not being profitable (happens every 1st quarter) he has to redo my commission. Im thinking ok, i get it a small pay cut to keep things going…. Boy was I wrong.

Cut by 35k… I cant even quit because Im still making more after the pay cut than I could anywhere else.

Feeling really let down and defeated, I had a taste of being set for it to be ripped away.

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