
Raise or I’m walking

Well, I did it, I asked for a raise from my part-time job and if I do not get it I will be putting in my two weeks. I am past my breaking point for this job. What was your breaking point for leaving a job? More Info: I currently work 2 jobs, one full-time (admin) and one part-time (social media and marketing manager). I am able to work on my downtime and breaks during my admin job (both companies know about this so no it's not wage theft). My admin job is low-stress and I have at least a few hours of downtime throughout the week where I can get my other tasks done. Sounds great right? The one issue is that I am being severely underpaid at my part-time job, on top of severe burnout from this job particularly. Why I have dealt with it for so long-…

Well, I did it, I asked for a raise from my part-time job and if I do not get it I will be putting in my two weeks. I am past my breaking point for this job. What was your breaking point for leaving a job?

More Info: I currently work 2 jobs, one full-time (admin) and one part-time (social media and marketing manager). I am able to work on my downtime and breaks during my admin job (both companies know about this so no it's not wage theft). My admin job is low-stress and I have at least a few hours of downtime throughout the week where I can get my other tasks done. Sounds great right? The one issue is that I am being severely underpaid at my part-time job, on top of severe burnout from this job particularly. Why I have dealt with it for so long- I don't like confrontation and I am always stressed about money (even though I have never really NEEDED this job to get by, just financial trauma from growing up). I have said I need to quit and never followed through. I am giving them a chance to pay me more (which is still being underpaid but I will take that since the job is flexible). But I honestly don't think they will give me what I want and have decided that I will put my two weeks in once it's denied. I am kind of looking forward to them denying it and putting in my two weeks. I guess if they are desperate enough to pay me I will stay on for a few more months.

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