
random thought: there are only so many positions available where you are at or near the top, so stop telling people if you want to get paid better you should work harder to get one.

I know this is obvious to some, but I was thinking about every time someone has tried to make the argument against a living wage and their response was some version of “these jobs aren't meant to provide a living, if they want a living wage they should rise up in position.” For every manager / supervisor job there are a whole bunch of worker jobs underneath them. By default, more people are getting paid less than one person. So take a theoretical team of 10 people working below the living wage and they have one manager who is making somewhat more than them. Those 10 people are supposed to “work harder” until that one position is available and if they aren't the only successful candidate then they weren't working hard enough? No. There are a limited number of management positions, and guess what else? Not everyone should be a…

I know this is obvious to some, but I was thinking about every time someone has tried to make the argument against a living wage and their response was some version of “these jobs aren't meant to provide a living, if they want a living wage they should rise up in position.”

For every manager / supervisor job there are a whole bunch of worker jobs underneath them. By default, more people are getting paid less than one person. So take a theoretical team of 10 people working below the living wage and they have one manager who is making somewhat more than them. Those 10 people are supposed to “work harder” until that one position is available and if they aren't the only successful candidate then they weren't working hard enough? No. There are a limited number of management positions, and guess what else? Not everyone should be a manager. So they all deserve to be stuck in poverty?

The only thing these people really believe is that the poor are an essential part of their success, and that however you want to say it, they don't care. Their goal is not to work towards a society where everyone has a base level of safety and success, but they want a society where it's possible for them to become mega rich and they don't care about the poor.

It's the same with becoming an “entrepreneur”, there are only so many businesses to start before they're not going to be successful, so stop telling people who just want to go to work and do a good job and get paid well to, “start a business” or “turn that side hustle into big money”. Lets build a society where, instead of telling people they aren't working hard if they're not good at sales for their new business venture, instead we let people do what they're actually good at and get paid at minimum enough to enjoy some level of success so they aren't struggling to pay bills and stressing about basic needs.

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