
Rant About Ass Co-worker

I already long quite but I found out that raggedy piece of semi-sentient garbage still works there despite being the most awfully piece of human garbage ever. Okay info. I used to work for a government contractor that specializes in hiring those with special needs. They do general repairs from every industry as well as janitorial. From what I understand, the piece of garbage was very experienced in his field 4 decades of experience(not saying cause I don't want to be caught). Cool good valuable. Now because it was a government contractor they payed him less than he would get for standard work at other companies. Because of the low pay they could not find any replacements. The fucker has left 4 or 5 times. I also have to add that is perfectly able mentally and physically. I believe he's in his early 70s maybe 80s. Now this piece of…

I already long quite but I found out that raggedy piece of semi-sentient garbage still works there despite being the most awfully piece of human garbage ever. Okay info. I used to work for a government contractor that specializes in hiring those with special needs. They do general repairs from every industry as well as janitorial.

From what I understand, the piece of garbage was very experienced in his field 4 decades of experience(not saying cause I don't want to be caught). Cool good valuable. Now because it was a government contractor they payed him less than he would get for standard work at other companies. Because of the low pay they could not find any replacements. The fucker has left 4 or 5 times. I also have to add that is perfectly able mentally and physically. I believe he's in his early 70s maybe 80s.

Now this piece of shit would spend his day sleeping on the job(everyone new it, including the god damn boss), openly harras the differently abled employees, abuse power that he does not have(he was hourly like the rest of us), has a history of making homophobic comments and has had to leave due to these actions, would make sexist comments, would watch tiktok on the clock and take 3 hour lunches, and for the kicker was a rules enforcer. What's that you need to sit down cause it's burning hot and you can barely maintain consciousness? Insue screaming and cursing. After a while I got fed up and called his bluff. Called the boss had a chat. A week of silence and free crap. Back to normal bs!

Piece of shit once caused an incident so bad that everyone had to leave early and the bosses boss had to get involved. I left because I was sick of the cycle of bs. Now I found out other than a slight scolding the walking cesspit is not only still working there but continues his bs behavior because everyone else has either giving up or doesn't know how to stand up for themselves.

I get this man is valuable because no one is willing to take a 50% pay cut but for fucks sake he has gotten into a fist fight with another employee before(like 12 years ago) I don't intend to do anything. Not looking for advice. But I do need to vent. And if anyone else thinks this piece of shit can suck it. Fuck Abelist Pieces Of Boomer Trash!

I got plenty of stories if anyone wants to hear em. I will take literally any opportunity to shit talk that thing right now.

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