
*Rant* Boss told me ” You broke my trust.” over overlooked instruction.

So I have been in this job for almost two years, and today my boss decides to call me into their office and decided to reprimand me over, get this, a word processing issue. They stated that I had broke their trust and that I had INTENTIONALLY ignored their orders on how to fix this document that was sent my way. I was put on the spot and it felt like I was in an interrogation room, so all I could do was just nod my head yes. When all was said and done, I go back pissed off about everything that was said to me. They made it out to seem that I was trying to sabotage them by sending this document back without starting from the ground up. I was also pretty ticked off since up until now, I had never heard ONE POSITIVE COMMENT feom them since…

So I have been in this job for almost two years, and today my boss decides to call me into their office and decided to reprimand me over, get this, a word processing issue. They stated that I had broke their trust and that I had INTENTIONALLY ignored their orders on how to fix this document that was sent my way. I was put on the spot and it felt like I was in an interrogation room, so all I could do was just nod my head yes. When all was said and done, I go back pissed off about everything that was said to me. They made it out to seem that I was trying to sabotage them by sending this document back without starting from the ground up. I was also pretty ticked off since up until now, I had never heard ONE POSITIVE COMMENT feom them since I come in every single day and bust my ass for them. But when I accidentally overlook something, then I am looked at as untrustworthy. I own up to my mistake, but for them to say that I did this with ill intent in mind is just ridiculous. I was just flabbergasted by the entire situation and I have never had any previous bosses say something to me like this.

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