
RANT: CEO just sent a reminder about our WFH policy

// Long rant ahead, sorry if there are formatting issues. I just moved into my current company 2 months ago. It is a huge company with multiple branches across the globe. Pay is good. We have on average 2 days a week overtime, but it is paid. For context, the past companies I have worked with rarely have OT. I usually end my day 30 mins before the regular 8 hour work day as long as I have finished my tasks. So when we needed to work overtime, it's not a big deal. Sadly, I was made redundant in my last company. During my first month in my current company, I was in the office everyday. 2nd month, I moved to 1-2 days a week in the office. Reasons I did this: – My parents are currently with us. Been here for 2 months now. I like to make myself…

// Long rant ahead, sorry if there are formatting issues.

I just moved into my current company 2 months ago. It is a huge company with multiple branches across the globe. Pay is good. We have on average 2 days a week overtime, but it is paid.

For context, the past companies I have worked with rarely have OT. I usually end my day 30 mins before the regular 8 hour work day as long as I have finished my tasks. So when we needed to work overtime, it's not a big deal. Sadly, I was made redundant in my last company.

During my first month in my current company, I was in the office everyday. 2nd month, I moved to 1-2 days a week in the office.

Reasons I did this:
– My parents are currently with us. Been here for 2 months now. I like to make myself available when they need something.
– I mainly work with people from another country. We talked via Teams. I have colleagues in the same country as me but we're in different teams so we have our own tasks to worry about.
– It takes me at least 2 hrs a day for commute and prep.

Today, the CEO sent a reminder to everyone that it is mandatory to be in the office at least 3 days a week. Mandatory means 'not optional'. is what he said. He also said that 'it is not a good use of his time to police this'. If this is not being adhered to, WFH policy will be cancelled. Those who don't follow will be terminated 'without notice, no settlement, references and further warnings.'

Exceptions will be granted if there is a valid reason. For example, not within commuting distance. I'm within commuting distance.

This is my karma for choosing a company that pays people to do OT. I was blinded by compensation. I'm updating my CV now.

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