
(rant) I’m tired of everyone in my team and specifically that one coworker

One of my coworkers is very extremely weird (the other one has no opinion of his own and just agrees with what the first one says), i felt uneasy while talking to him since my first day when he said something that other people (my manager) are stupid they don’t know anything. He has a habit of saying things nobody asked and out of topic. Like if the topic is “what’s the purpose of class A”, he will first respond with “it is quite self/explanatory” while in reality the naming in codebase is so off and nothing is self-explanatory. when the discussion is about a certain vague logic that involves viewmodels/widget, instead of adding to that, he will say “ok now what are viewmodels/widgets. let me tell you” then he keeps repeating that for 20-30 mins and wasting time. in every ticket, he writes comments for code that i didn’t…

One of my coworkers is very extremely weird (the other one has no opinion of his own and just agrees with what the first one says), i felt uneasy while talking to him since my first day when he said something that other people (my manager) are stupid they don’t know anything. He has a habit of saying things nobody asked and out of topic. Like if the topic is “what’s the purpose of class A”, he will first respond with “it is quite self/explanatory” while in reality the naming in codebase is so off and nothing is self-explanatory.
when the discussion is about a certain vague logic that involves viewmodels/widget, instead of adding to that, he will say “ok now what are viewmodels/widgets. let me tell you” then he keeps repeating that for 20-30 mins and wasting time.

in every ticket, he writes comments for code that i didn’t change at all. Mostly he asks to refactor the whole thing even in priority bug fixes.

And today,
I had already fixed a bug but after raising the pr, in a meeting i thought i should mention my findings about the code. That an api is being used which nobody knows about and it might cause difficulties in the future when we have to make bigger changes. my concern was about some flags we are using from the response of that api. i wanted to know whom we can reach out to find if that api will stay or go.
his answer – you should refactor the whole class, rewrite it again and add test also. How does it address the concern i raised?? He wants me to do this on a priority bug fix task in production which my manager specifically asked me to fix soon. I told him atm it’s not possible. he said “it will only take an hour” IT WILL NOT!! he talks like either he is some supergenius or he doesn’t know how much time things take spcly while working in legacy codebase.

And now about my manager – I have shared my concerns about my coworker so many times but he always gives a generic response to everything and asks me to reach out whenever I need his involvement or advice. but whenever i text him, he mostly doesn’t even respond. Now i have one more ticket to start next. i texted my manager so that i could ask next steps. but he again didn’t care to connect at all?

idk what i’m doing in this team anymore? every person says different things and they want things done but disappear whenever anyone is needed. And i’m left with no choice but to talk with that coworker who is so draining to talk to. he doesn’t even make sense when he is supposed to be a senior.

I can’t switch again at this point but i have barely any energy left to deal with these people. I have never encountered anyone as unbearable as that coworker.

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