
Rant/Need Advice

sorry if formatting sucks or is confusing. I'm getting fed up of my job and just need to rant. I can't stand my boss, is it enough to quit, or do I need to suck it up? ​ Hello! I (23/f) was hired last September at my local Chamber of Commerce for a one-year federally funded 'intern' position, essentially doing social media marketing and designing a new website for the Chamber. Things seemed great when I was hired, the wage is a little low for FT ($38000/year) but this is a non-profit organization and I just graduated from university. I thought it would be good to get experience, make a name for myself in a new community, and set myself up for a better job when my contract finishes. As soon as I started, red flags started showing up. First of all, my boss is a nightmare to work with.…

sorry if formatting sucks or is confusing. I'm getting fed up of my job and just need to rant.

I can't stand my boss, is it enough to quit, or do I need to suck it up?

Hello! I (23/f) was hired last September at my local Chamber of Commerce for a one-year federally funded 'intern' position, essentially doing social media marketing and designing a new website for the Chamber. Things seemed great when I was hired, the wage is a little low for FT ($38000/year) but this is a non-profit organization and I just graduated from university. I thought it would be good to get experience, make a name for myself in a new community, and set myself up for a better job when my contract finishes.

As soon as I started, red flags started showing up.

First of all, my boss is a nightmare to work with. She is extremely disorganized, she is severe ADHD and cannot focus on a task for any length of time, and she is very inappropriate. She is constantly over-sharing her own personal information and client info with anyone who will listen. She cannot hold a conversation because she talks non-stop about whatever crosses her mind. Constantly throughout the day, she comes to my desk and just… talks. I sit there and wait for her to finish, usually about 20 minutes each time. I don't try to contribute anymore bc she just ignores what I say and talks over me. She gets hardly any work done during the day because she gets distracted by literally everything, often works late and expects me to as well (hell no) and comes in on weekends. She has a very unhealthy relationship with her work and has no boundaries.

When I was hired, there were a total of 4 employees in the office. Boss, myself, and two others. One was another contract position like mine, but for 2 years, and one was a full-time employee. I did not know this when I was hired, but the full-time employee was planning to retire in December, and I was expected to learn her job and take over her position when she left. So I learned her tasks and did my contract work, but I was a little put off that this was not disclosed to me, and was not in my job description. I felt a little taken advantage of but was willing to take it on to be a 'team player' and make my time in this job go smoothly.

Well, at the end of December when FT employee retired (literally on her last day) contract employee gave his 2-week notice. Our office was closed for 10 days for holidays, so we had 3 days in January when they worked before they started a new job.

Since then, it has been just me and my very chatty boss. I have taken on a lot more work since these two employees have left, I am often working late for board meetings, to get projects done, or to finish my daily work. I now am trying to run all our social media, implement our website, plan and execute events, I deal with membership, I assists tourists with information, and I work the shipping/receiving/bus ticket desk for a inter-town bus system.

I do not get benefits (though my boss keeps saying they're coming!!!) and I am still paid the same as I signed my contract for.

My boss, as well as the board of Directors, see me as “the future of the chamber” and are trying to train me to run the chamber when boss (hopefully) retires later this year. I have expressed that this makes me feel pressured and trapped. I have shared that I only signed on for one year and that I don't know if I want to stay long-term, especially because of the low wage-cap at this non-profit.

I know it might seem ridiculous to complain that my boss talks to much, but she literally never stops and its a one-way conversation. I cannot describe how annoying it is to have your boss just talk at you all day, not related to work at all, and have to just sit there and take it. Especially since I'm now the only other employee it has become insufferable.

I think I am fairly easy to work with, and most people say they like working with me. I am not confrontational so I don't say anything to my boss, but I am dying inside.

I want to ask for a raise to the Board, but I am afraid what the optics will look like since I have been here less than 6 months. I know I am doing much more than my contract, and while I would like to go back to doing just what I was hired for, I feel like its not an option. I don't want to sabotage my workplace. I have looked a little for other jobs in my area, but not too seriously.

Am I whining about nothing? Should I quit? any advice welcome

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