
Rant. Reflecting on waiters/delivery and attitudes towards them. Also just… capitalism. (US)

Sorry probably just a shitpost I guess. I was originally writing this as a response to a comment lol… ​ People act like they have the right to go out to a restaurant but then stiff the server or the delivery driver. I read this stuff on another subreddit. “having the right to eat” is different than “having the right to be served like a lord”, Or delivering a pizza on their personal trusty steed to their highness. The “right to eat” in the country is like, being on food stamps, not eating out. I guess your idea of “enjoying small pleasures” is having others serve you. See my idea of “enjoying small pleasures” would be like… a cup of coffee and sitting outside and listening to the birds or something, or watching a movie in the middle of the day. these small pleasure could be the difference between someone…

Sorry probably just a shitpost I guess. I was originally writing this as a response to a comment lol…

People act like they have the right to go out to a restaurant but then stiff the server or the delivery driver.

I read this stuff on another subreddit.

“having the right to eat” is different than “having the right to be served like a lord”, Or delivering a pizza on their personal trusty steed to their highness.

The “right to eat” in the country is like, being on food stamps, not eating out.

I guess your idea of “enjoying small pleasures” is having others serve you.

See my idea of “enjoying small pleasures” would be like… a cup of coffee and sitting outside and listening to the birds or something, or watching a movie in the middle of the day.

these small pleasure could be the difference between someone “self deleting”, but hypocritically you don't think getting stiffed by someone after serving them can be the “difference” for the server to “self delete” I guess as long as your expensive consumerism “self care” is working for you right?

Do you think the peasants commonly went to restaurants and had others serve them? No because they were too poor. And at the inns and taverns, these services primarily catered to middle and upper classes like traveling merchants and shit. And the wealthy had actual servants… you know “simple pleasures”.

It's basically saying “you shouldn't do this job, it sucks, find a real job”

but “please keep doing the job though, I really want the product or service you help produce so I will support the unethical business practices of the business and the owners, but not you the slave”

The business doesn't give a shit if you stiff the slave, they will find another desperate person to fill the position.

The key point with the state of this country in my opinion.

Because it's a systemic problem, without higher taxes on the rich, more social security programs and at this point some form of UBI, the majority of jobs are in fact “low skill” that's what all this efficiency, and automation leads to, jobs getting less complex, which in theory should be a good thing, and yield more free time and quality of life for all people. in every sector, the worker is becoming more efficient, producing more then they have decades in the past, and their jobs are now easier. that's awesome right? Oh wait no we live in oligarch dystopia.

Unfortunately the people on top are taking million dollar bonuses, becoming billionaires, making more than they ever have before, and stealing the value that their workers produce for their third vacation home, miles of farmland, buying up houses to then rent out to the lower classes, putting their own kids in top schools full ride so they can also have cushy jobs or be the “owner class”, or luxury cars or services, and no it's never enough for them they will just always want more because of the drastic diminishing returns on happiness for exorbitant amounts of wealth.

I dream of a world where McDonalds is “great company” to work for. I mean it's a literal billion dollar company, their workers don't get tips because tips are the problem right? the company will actually pay them decently now? no. And they are dealing with these same struggles. because MOST jobs are now low skill, if every worker quit there “low skill job” they couldn't all fit into the “middle class”. The solution at this point is to eat the rich.

Population decline? ban abortion to restore the meat coffers.

It's very telling that they are trying/so desperate to ban abortion now. Companies need more desperate slaves, we can't have that population decline, they need a steady flow of poor and working class people to fill all these “low skill” roles to keep the never ending expansion and growth model going in this country.

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