
Ready to walk out for not getting paid the commissions for my sales.

As the title suggests I work in sales, just started back in April. Since then I've written just over $100,000 in total volume and haven't seen a penny in commission yet. The way the company works is 28 days after a sales down payment in finalized you're supposed to get the commission. However we allow people to basically split they're down payment up to 4 months of payments. Meaning 80% of my business still haven't finalized the down payments, so I'm just getting nothing. On top of that, the ones that have finished, canceled their purchases so even if I get the commission, they take that out of whatever next commission I recieve. Ex; I make $1000 on a sale. Then they cancel. My next sale I make $1500 on commission. Well since the last one canceled that $1500 is now only $500 because I had to “pay the company…

As the title suggests I work in sales, just started back in April. Since then I've written just over $100,000 in total volume and haven't seen a penny in commission yet. The way the company works is 28 days after a sales down payment in finalized you're supposed to get the commission. However we allow people to basically split they're down payment up to 4 months of payments. Meaning 80% of my business still haven't finalized the down payments, so I'm just getting nothing. On top of that, the ones that have finished, canceled their purchases so even if I get the commission, they take that out of whatever next commission I recieve.

Ex; I make $1000 on a sale. Then they cancel. My next sale I make $1500 on commission. Well since the last one canceled that $1500 is now only $500 because I had to “pay the company back”.
However the math isn't that clean, and I technically owe the company more back than I'm projected to earn in the next few months of commissions.

This has been by far the single most infuriating and frustrating system. And since you know…. have a family to provide for…. I can't just leave without something else to fall back on. But ofcourse, finding a new job has proven difficult otherwise I wouldn't be in this position. It feels like every decision I have right now is terrible for either my financial status, mental health, or both lol so here I am, seething in anger on my phone in the break room ranting to all of you. Thank you for reading.

TLDR; Company won't pay me my sales commissions because of the simple system they have in place that doesn't favor the sales rep.

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