
Really considering abandoning the workforce.

Hello Reddit, I’m really struggling with work life lately. Just this year alone I’ve had 6 jobs. I left a good job for one that promised me more money then I got laid off after only a month, one started writing me up with no warnings or conversations or anything, one tried to make me do 15-20 hour shifts on a daily basis, and one was just fucking gross. This is the history through 2023, but I’ve been struggling like this for a couple years now. I’m feeling like I just can’t succeed. Sometimes I wonder about retreating to the wild and living off of the land somehow, but I don’t even know where to start with that. I don’t know, I’m feeling desperate with a serious lack of answers. I don’t really know what I’m looking for from this post either, just thought maybe someone could relate?

Hello Reddit, I’m really struggling with work life lately. Just this year alone I’ve had 6 jobs. I left a good job for one that promised me more money then I got laid off after only a month, one started writing me up with no warnings or conversations or anything, one tried to make me do 15-20 hour shifts on a daily basis, and one was just fucking gross. This is the history through 2023, but I’ve been struggling like this for a couple years now. I’m feeling like I just can’t succeed. Sometimes I wonder about retreating to the wild and living off of the land somehow, but I don’t even know where to start with that. I don’t know, I’m feeling desperate with a serious lack of answers. I don’t really know what I’m looking for from this post either, just thought maybe someone could relate?

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