Been at my job for going on 2 years. Really haven’t had too much to complain about. There previously were 2 locations and now it’s down to 1. Before? Zero issues getting off work to go to the dr or really anything. Call offs didn’t count against you and write ups were only done if someone was excessive with their calling outs (one guy called out once a week and nothing was done)
New location? Same boss, but he told me I would be forced to use my vacation days (only get 5 the whole year and no sick) that I have booked for a flight to see my family out of state if I left early for a dr appointment. Making up hours? Previously a nonissue but now for some reason even though this facility is open 24/7 it’s an issue.
I realize I’m not entitled to any leave BUT I find it complete BS that I am literally being punished for having a health issue. (It’s not a routine appointment I’m having issues) and that even if I produce a dr note I get written up.