
Really over the job hunt

I don't even know what to say anymore. Forking out hundreds of resumes, kissing butt and agreeing to hours and shifts I shouldn't be out of pure desperation for needing a job. I apply for every job I'm qualified for, hell I even apply for jobs I'm not technically qualified for (I genuinely don't expect a response) because why the hell not. I have a kid to support and I even refuse to mention my kid until after I've been hired. No I don't have high education but I have 19 years in customer service (don't even get my started on “we pay based on experience”). I apply for cashier and customer service jobs. ….why the hell can't I just walk in and say I desperately need a job someone please hire me!

I don't even know what to say anymore. Forking out hundreds of resumes, kissing butt and agreeing to hours and shifts I shouldn't be out of pure desperation for needing a job. I apply for every job I'm qualified for, hell I even apply for jobs I'm not technically qualified for (I genuinely don't expect a response) because why the hell not. I have a kid to support and I even refuse to mention my kid until after I've been hired. No I don't have high education but I have 19 years in customer service (don't even get my started on “we pay based on experience”). I apply for cashier and customer service jobs.

….why the hell can't I just walk in and say I desperately need a job someone please hire me!

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