
Recently fired for “Leaving work early” still haven’t been paid

I was recently hired by a somewhat large food chain in the Northeast US for a retail job. It was an extremely shady interview where I basically was hired on the spot. I went into the job after a bit of time. On my first day of working, I was unable to complete my computer work such as training and filling out banking information because the computer wasn't working. I got my “schedule” for the week and it was on a piece of paper. I got it before I started my shift and had so much else to work on that I misplaced it. There was no other way to access my shifts and the clock in and out machines also required a manager to swipe me in and out, which I didn't always have on hand. After 3 shifts in this mess of a store, one of which I…

I was recently hired by a somewhat large food chain in the Northeast US for a retail job. It was an extremely shady interview where I basically was hired on the spot. I went into the job after a bit of time. On my first day of working, I was unable to complete my computer work such as training and filling out banking information because the computer wasn't working. I got my “schedule” for the week and it was on a piece of paper. I got it before I started my shift and had so much else to work on that I misplaced it. There was no other way to access my shifts and the clock in and out machines also required a manager to swipe me in and out, which I didn't always have on hand. After 3 shifts in this mess of a store, one of which I left early from throwing up, I asked my manager via the phone when my next shift was which is when he told me we were no longer working together because I left early or something. After over a week, I haven't gotten my paycheck and they haven't contacted me for my bank. If they know I left early, they should see to it I have my paycheck. And if they didn't, that is wrongful termination. How do I make sure I get my money or can continue to work for this company at a different location?

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