
Recruiter Asked Me What the Lowest Amount I’d Be Willing to Take

Hello, This was like the second or third question in the initial phone screen. They asked me word for word “what is the lowest pay you would be willing to take for this position”. I said a number and then they told me that it was perfect because that number is their starting base pay. I am going up for salary and benefits negotiations likely tomorrow or the following day, I’m thinking of asking them “What’s the highest amount of compensation you are willing to pay for this position” Did the recruiter purposefully try to low ball me?


This was like the second or third question in the initial phone screen. They asked me word for word “what is the lowest pay you would be willing to take for this position”. I said a number and then they told me that it was perfect because that number is their starting base pay.

I am going up for salary and benefits negotiations likely tomorrow or the following day, I’m thinking of asking them “What’s the highest amount of compensation you are willing to pay for this position”

Did the recruiter purposefully try to low ball me?

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