
Recruiter cancelled my interview 26 minutes before it because the job was filled

Not exactly sure if this belongs here, but I really wanted to share with this community. I have been trying my best to find some full-time employment post-graduating college (I was on the job hunt before graduation). It's been a stressful and slightly disheartening period. I've re-designed my resume, put together tailored and thoughtful cover letters and applications, I've tried networking with recruiters and individuals who work at the companies I'm applying to, I've had those people vouch for me when I apply, and most times I don't even get any sort of email back. Not even a “we're not hiring you” email most times. After not getting much response back from these methods of applying, I decided to try and allow a temp agency to place me in a job. With the hopes that it could become full-time. After applying for a position and setting a interview time with…

Not exactly sure if this belongs here, but I really wanted to share with this community.

I have been trying my best to find some full-time employment post-graduating college (I was on the job hunt before graduation). It's been a stressful and slightly disheartening period. I've re-designed my resume, put together tailored and thoughtful cover letters and applications, I've tried networking with recruiters and individuals who work at the companies I'm applying to, I've had those people vouch for me when I apply, and most times I don't even get any sort of email back. Not even a “we're not hiring you” email most times.

After not getting much response back from these methods of applying, I decided to try and allow a temp agency to place me in a job. With the hopes that it could become full-time. After applying for a position and setting a interview time with the temp agency recruiter over the weekend, I was frequently receiving reminder texts and emails about my interview time. Even two hours before. Then, as the title states, I receive an email saying the position I am interviewing for has been filled and they cancelled my interview just 26 minutes before I was scheduled to speak remotely with the recruiter. Since it was a remote interview it's not like they wasted my time in terms of travel, but man I was shocked to say the least. I'm not familiar with temp agencies and if it's a first-interview-first-hire sort of situation, but that just sorta took the wind out of my sails. It was almost comical to me, just how it all played out. Like, I didn't even get to have my scheduled phone call with them before being rejected. I will keep trying with the temp agency, but it's starting to really get to me.

There are times I feel really good and confident about an application I put in, and I feel like I took all the right steps to at least catch their eye, but get no sort of response. And after this with the temp agency today, I just feel a little lost and defeated. It's just getting a little hard to remain positive. Feels like I'm hitting all these roadblocks and I'm not sure what to do differently.

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