
Recruiter prefers to stay transphobe than earn money

I have this friend who is part of the recruiting process for a company. He’s kinda transphobe (and the execs have this bro culture). I tried convincing him “well if one of your workers is trans and you treat em like that, you might get into HR or legal trouble.” He said, giggling “well I just wouldn’t recruit people that are likely to get me into trouble” I said, “but that would lose an economic opportunity. What if there are really productive trans workers?” He said he’s still not gonna change his ways, even if it makes him more money. Like wtf this is just stupid. It ain’t even about corporate greed, just some sense of keeping on the bro culture

I have this friend who is part of the recruiting process for a company. He’s kinda transphobe (and the execs have this bro culture).

I tried convincing him “well if one of your workers is trans and you treat em like that, you might get into HR or legal trouble.”

He said, giggling “well I just wouldn’t recruit people that are likely to get me into trouble”

I said, “but that would lose an economic opportunity. What if there are really productive trans workers?”

He said he’s still not gonna change his ways, even if it makes him more money. Like wtf this is just stupid. It ain’t even about corporate greed, just some sense of keeping on the bro culture

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