
Recruiters Data Farming?

I can only assuming they’re data farming at this point, but I don’t understand why I guess. I’ve had a few recruiters reach out to me, tell me about a job and say to let them know if I’m interested. I tell them I am, and they just… ghost me? I don’t understand the purpose of this or why the companies they work for don’t track that kind of thing and just let them ghost who knows how many candidates. Anyone else experiencing this?

I can only assuming they’re data farming at this point, but I don’t understand why I guess.

I’ve had a few recruiters reach out to me, tell me about a job and say to let them know if I’m interested. I tell them I am, and they just… ghost me?

I don’t understand the purpose of this or why the companies they work for don’t track that kind of thing and just let them ghost who knows how many candidates.

Anyone else experiencing this?

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