
Recruiters suck

Recruiter reached out for a phone interview and I replied with my preferred date/time. I requested a confirmation and the number she'd be calling from so I could add it to my contacts since my phone occasionally acts up. Day of (today), crickets. Mind you, this is a place I already work for, just looking to transition to research. Well, I call her office after 30 minutes and it forwards to an unknown cell phone with the standard auto greeting with no name. Great. Send a follow up request to reschedule and I get an automated reply that she's OOO. SHE'S THE ONE WHO LISTED HER AVAILABILITY. F*ck recruiters.

Recruiter reached out for a phone interview and I replied with my preferred date/time. I requested a confirmation and the number she'd be calling from so I could add it to my contacts since my phone occasionally acts up. Day of (today), crickets. Mind you, this is a place I already work for, just looking to transition to research. Well, I call her office after 30 minutes and it forwards to an unknown cell phone with the standard auto greeting with no name. Great. Send a follow up request to reschedule and I get an automated reply that she's OOO. SHE'S THE ONE WHO LISTED HER AVAILABILITY. F*ck recruiters.

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