
Regional manager claimed i don’t give a shit about my job

Yesterday, our regional manager came to our store (i work in retail) and he gave us lesson on how to sell and make life long customers to our franchise. Me (a new employee), and two senior employees attended that lesson. During it, he expected us to participate in conversations about the subject and i was active on it and answered questions RM asked us. After that lesson he taught me few things, then sent me back to work. I thought everything was fine and that he was mostly satisfied about my performance. Until today. My team leader called me and told me RM was very dissatisfied about me. He was angry that i used my phone for a minute during lesson (i checked my bank balance, because i'm having some money issues rn), he also asked my team leader if i was exhausted or if something was wrong with me,…

Yesterday, our regional manager came to our store (i work in retail) and he gave us lesson on how to sell and make life long customers to our franchise. Me (a new employee), and two senior employees attended that lesson.
During it, he expected us to participate in conversations about the subject and i was active on it and answered questions RM asked us.
After that lesson he taught me few things, then sent me back to work. I thought everything was fine and that he was mostly satisfied about my performance.
Until today.

My team leader called me and told me RM was very dissatisfied about me. He was angry that i used my phone for a minute during lesson (i checked my bank balance, because i'm having some money issues rn), he also asked my team leader if i was exhausted or if something was wrong with me, because he said i was falling asleep during his lesson (i didn't! I was looking him straight into his eyes 95% time, those remaining 5% i was looking somewhere else). And the worst: because of these things, he had jumped into conclusion that i didn't care about this job and i don't want to learn retail or sales.

I broke down, and went to the bathroom and cried there for half an hour. I felt so beaten.
My TL said he didn't believe what he said about me not caring, but he told i should not use my phone (fair enough!).

I have been bursting into tears all evening, because all the trauma about me being treated badly at my former work places are coming back. I think it's really bad managing and narcissistic to think a young worker is spoiled and lazy, if they look away for a minute.
I'm not either spoiled or lazy. I just moved to my first own place little over a week ago and i had to do everything myself: buy furniture, clean the new apartment, carry all my property there in big Ikea bags, install my goddamn washing machine eventhough i don't know wtf i'm doing…

I just needed to vent. I'm sorry that this text became this long.

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