
Reminder: Employers Are All Heartless Cowards

I’m just so fucking angry. After an emergency spinal fusion earlier this month I’ve had to go on an unpaid leave from work. During which I had my last paycheck which was just the rest of my PTO and what should have been my holiday bonus but NOPE. They withheld my bonus. To add salt to the wound—they never even once asked how I was doing. They couldn’t even be bothered to send a “Get Well Soon” text. Like why the hell did I run myself ragged for these people for almost four years??? What was I thinking?? I’m mad at them and I’m mad at myself. I applied for short term disability and they only reached out to ask how I was paying for my insurance. Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Even better? Today I got a text message from my boss’s assistant confirming my email because they’re sending…

I’m just so fucking angry.

After an emergency spinal fusion earlier this month I’ve had to go on an unpaid leave from work.

During which I had my last paycheck which was just the rest of my PTO and what should have been my holiday bonus but NOPE.

They withheld my bonus.

To add salt to the wound—they never even once asked how I was doing. They couldn’t even be bothered to send a “Get Well Soon” text.

Like why the hell did I run myself ragged for these people for almost four years??? What was I thinking??

I’m mad at them and I’m mad at myself. I applied for short term disability and they only reached out to ask how I was paying for my insurance.

Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Even better? Today I got a text message from my boss’s assistant confirming my email because they’re sending a gift card and there is some box coming next week.

Can’t wait to spend the $50 slap in the face. I’m sure that’ll help ease all my financial woes unlike the annual bonus I was promised.

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