
Remote work or current office job?

I don't really have any clue about where to post this so I am posting it here hoping to get some advice and thoughts? Maybe? Okay here it goes. Right now I'm working in a tech company that offers tech consulting and other services related to it. I make decent money and the work isn't stressful and I'm basically only working 3 to 4 hours a day and the rest of the time I'm watching shows and movies and no one really cares about that. The commute isn't too far but the thing is the city that I live in is dangerous and a lot of bad things happen all the time. I live with my mom and my little sister and I take care of them financially. My mom is old and sick mostly and my sister is 5 year old. She needs help with my sister all the…

I don't really have any clue about where to post this so I am posting it here hoping to get some advice and thoughts? Maybe? Okay here it goes.

Right now I'm working in a tech company that offers tech consulting and other services related to it. I make decent money and the work isn't stressful and I'm basically only working 3 to 4 hours a day and the rest of the time I'm watching shows and movies and no one really cares about that. The commute isn't too far but the thing is the city that I live in is dangerous and a lot of bad things happen all the time. I live with my mom and my little sister and I take care of them financially. My mom is old and sick mostly and my sister is 5 year old. She needs help with my sister all the time. With that being said, I requested to my company's management to let me please work from home since this job can be done remotely and it could be done while being more productive too since I don't have to waste time and energy on commute. But their response was really rude and they said “This is not your uncle's company that you can just choose whatever” so that was really disheartening and then after that I started looking for other remote jobs. After almost a month of constant applying and interviews, I landed this remote job and they sent me an offer letter yesterday. But the thing about this company is that they require you to be on zoom for the entirety of your shift, they provide training and then pair you with a client and you have 3 tries to be paired up with a client. If the clients for any reason don't want you, you'd be fired from the company, also, this company requires remote access to my computer. The pay is slightly less than what I'm currently making but the biggest selling point for me is the remote nature of the job. I desperately need a remote job also because me and my girlfriend are in a long distance relationship atm and we can only get 2 months out of each year for the time being and I obviously don't want to spend those 2 months going to the office for a job that can he done easily from home and then wasting over 200 hours of my time that I can spend with my girlfriend and so much more time with my family.

The remote job would be a new experience and useful one but I'm just torn between these two options. What would you do if you were in my situation.

Please note that I am in Asia and my country is going through a lot economic crisis right now. So making these tough choices just seem really scary. I appreciate all the help I'd be able to get here.

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