
Request – More Pro Union Posts

As much as it is helpful to hear the horror stories of modern work, i think it can be equally helpful to learn more about one of the best ways to advocate for yourself as a worker, which is to unionize or join your local union. Unions are responsible for just about every work benefit we have ever acquired – weekend, 40 hour work week, etc. Additionally, union pay is routinely 20-30% more than their non-unionized counterparts. Power to the people!

As much as it is helpful to hear the horror stories of modern work, i think it can be equally helpful to learn more about one of the best ways to advocate for yourself as a worker, which is to unionize or join your local union. Unions are responsible for just about every work benefit we have ever acquired – weekend, 40 hour work week, etc. Additionally, union pay is routinely 20-30% more than their non-unionized counterparts. Power to the people!

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