
requested my bday off…

I requested my bday coming up next month back in januaury which is more than enought required time (retail worker) and i don't ask for much. I do my work, i havent been late, havent missed a shift since I was hired, and picked up last minute calls all the time bc someone else called out sick saving their asses and working overtime on my end to the point im burnt out. They booked me friday and saturday, my bday is on saturday, i work night shifts so i sleep my day away for work so like fuck me if I have family plans for my bday???? I don't ask for much like come on. Guess im calling out sick on my bday and turning off my phone.

I requested my bday coming up next month back in januaury which is more than enought required time (retail worker) and i don't ask for much. I do my work, i havent been late, havent missed a shift since I was hired, and picked up last minute calls all the time bc someone else called out sick saving their asses and working overtime on my end to the point im burnt out.

They booked me friday and saturday, my bday is on saturday, i work night shifts so i sleep my day away for work so like fuck me if I have family plans for my bday????

I don't ask for much like come on. Guess im calling out sick on my bday and turning off my phone.

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