
Required to go to a voluntary work social during non-working time

My workplace arranged a ‘voluntary’ bbq social on a Saturday (a non-working day for us). They made it very explicit at first on Monday morning that it was voluntary and we should book a place if we want to join. Later on Monday, another message went out saying if we are ~not~ able to go, we should inform HR. I messaged the HR lady and told her I couldn’t attend as I had other plans. Then, yesterday, Wednesday, the head boss spoke to everyone one-on-one to ask, if they moved the event to after work on Friday would it be more suitable. Most of my colleagues said okay, because being faced with the boss they buckled. When she spoke to me, I told her that neither day was suitable for me. She literally made a pouty face and said that it was such a pity, it could be my last…

My workplace arranged a ‘voluntary’ bbq social on a Saturday (a non-working day for us). They made it very explicit at first on Monday morning that it was voluntary and we should book a place if we want to join.

Later on Monday, another message went out saying if we are ~not~ able to go, we should inform HR.

I messaged the HR lady and told her I couldn’t attend as I had other plans. Then, yesterday, Wednesday, the head boss spoke to everyone one-on-one to ask, if they moved the event to after work on Friday would it be more suitable.

Most of my colleagues said okay, because being faced with the boss they buckled. When she spoke to me, I told her that neither day was suitable for me. She literally made a pouty face and said that it was such a pity, it could be my last time to join (I’ve already put in my notice, but this workplace is an important reference for me), was I really sure I couldn’t come either day, surely I could make some adjustment etc. I held firm and said no.

Honestly, I work my butt off at that place, not only do I work there full time at a fairly intense job, but I also do extra overtime work for them to make a little extra cash before I leave. One particular project, when I started it they told me it was 2/3 of the length it actually is and now in the middle of the thing they expect me to make it up on the fly. Probably I will, because the money is decent and I’m a sucker for a bit of cash.

Today, Thursday, there was another message put out that staff are ‘required’ to attend this event (i.e. not voluntary) and we should talk to our department head if we can’t attend.

One part of me thinks, well I already spoke to my boss’s boss. What’s the point of talking to my boss? I just won’t go and later it’s not important because I will leave anyway.

Another part thinks I can talk to my boss and tell him that I literally cannot give another ounce of my free time to this place, since they have extended my project with zero notice to me (they literally blindsided me so I accepted the project, I found out because others involved were told different things and I followed it up), and I just mentally can’t give any more of my free time (true).

Another small part is that my colleagues are asking me to go, because they want to spend time with me before I go.

So what do I do? For now I don’t know, but I thought you’d all appreciate the ridiculousness of it.

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