
Resignation Celebration!!!

Sooo, I resigned from my toxic ass job today after not quite a year and it feels oh so freeing. I’d encountered discrimination, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, misgendering, classism, ageism, etc. either directly or indirectly and it was time to cut the cord. For anyone out there who is privileged enough to cut the cord from their toxic ass employer, let this be your motivation. To be clear, if you NEED the money I’d say hold off, but if not it’s giving CLIPPED! Let’s leave the toxicity in 2022. New year, no fear! Buzzfeed, what up!

Sooo, I resigned from my toxic ass job today after not quite a year and it feels oh so freeing. I’d encountered discrimination, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, misgendering, classism, ageism, etc. either directly or indirectly and it was time to cut the cord.

For anyone out there who is privileged enough to cut the cord from their toxic ass employer, let this be your motivation. To be clear, if you NEED the money I’d say hold off, but if not it’s giving CLIPPED!

Let’s leave the toxicity in 2022. New year, no fear!

Buzzfeed, what up!

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